Binding call and apply on JavaScript

Marius Reimer
2 min readAug 31, 2019


Recently, I had the issue that I was confronted with JavaScript’s call and apply. Since I forgot where the difference is or why you may use it, I learned it.

Generally, both functions are a prototype of any JavaScript Function. This means, you can invoke any function-object with call and apply. With "function-object" I mean a function as an object, so without the ()).

In short, call and apply are both used to invoke functions, where apply takes function parameters (arguments) as a single array, and call as an endless list of arguments.


A code example always helps to understand things. The following example shows a very simple function that takes two arguments: a and b. The function logs their sum, as well as its this context.

In the very first and last of the three calls, this is the global object. It depends on where you execute it, here it was in a node environment. If you would try this in a browser, you would probably see the the window object.

Now, with the call call in line 10, you actually call the function with { example: "test" } as the this object. As the second argument, you pass the function arguments as a single array [1, 2]. The apply call in line 14 does not pass any this object, leading to no context change. There, the arguments are passed as single objects ( 1, 2).

In relation to call, you could also use JavaScript's bind in order to create a new function with a different this context. It takes the same arguments and causes the same outcome as with call: add.bind({ example: 'test' }, 1, 2).

A Bigger Example

The following example shows the usage of call and apply in a more complex and realistic scenario. What the code does is printing the name and age of its this context, and additionally prints some extra information passed as an argument.

Now, the first call in line 12 is the way most are probably used to. It prints its defined values. Now, line 15 overrides the this object with the global object, leading to undefined. Line 24 is also interesting, in which the object { name: "Marius", age: 15 } is passed, leading to a different outcome.


JavaScript functions can be called with apply and call. Both can change its function context as the first argument. The only difference between them is the syntax of the second (and following) argument(s). The reason why you use one or another (or at all) lies in the nature of JavaScript, reusing code, code privacy (hiding variables) or just a personal preference.

Originally published at on August 31, 2019.



Marius Reimer
Marius Reimer

Written by Marius Reimer

React Native Mobile Developer since 2017 // Freelancer

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